woman sitting and smiling

Everyone wants to be happy. And most people like challenges. So I created this 30-day happiness challenge to boost your happiness.

This challenge is for anyone who wants to look beyond material things and find ways to encourage their happiness. Finding joy in the small moments.

We rounded up 30 days of tasks for your happiness challenge and 6 things that can make you happier. Pick one task each day to complete, in no particular order.

Use a habit tracker to record your progress. Some make take a few minutes or longer, but ultimately try to stick with it for 30 days.

List of things to make you happy

Let’s be real, money can’t make you happy, it’s the experiences and comfort that money can provide that make people happy.

Being happy is a feeling of joy and delight, not necessarily having the best of everything.

Here is a list of things to make you happy

Have no expectations of others to be happier

You cannot control the thoughts, emotions and behaviours of others. We can’t expect everyone to think and respond to us in a certain way, and when they don’t, we get mad.

Life doesn’t work that way!

Learn to have no expectation of how people behave. Instead, build your own confidence and happiness over your own thoughts and belief.

You only have control over how you respond or perceive the situation. Not control over how others act or how you think they should act. (read more here)

Learn to be spontaneous to feel happier

Sticking to a schedule is great, you always know what to do and when. But now and then, lose the schedule and do something spontaneous and fun.

Live a little! What have you always wanted to do but too scared or never find the time? There is no better time than the present. Think about it, we are all going to die eventually, so why not enjoy the now.

Stop taking people for granted

Sure, our loved ones are there every day, so we may not feel the need to show love and appreciation as often as we should.

But if you take a few minutes each day to make simple gestures, letting them know how much you appreciate them, it goes a long way.

Try something new and challenging

It’s truly rewarding to visualize, believe in something and work your butt off to accomplish it.

Yes, sometimes we fail and cry (maybe just me) because things are challenging and may not seem possible.

But accomplishing a challenging task boosts your confidence, gives you a sense of purpose, and makes you happier.

Be of service to others to be happier

There is no greater joy and satisfaction than helping others. Focus less on your own wants and be mindful of others in need.

Helping others can boost your sense of wellbeing and make you happier. Volunteering at a shelter or nursing homes, helping kids, giving to people in need, mentoring others… (more info here)

Personal freedom is essential to happiness

Let’s be real, 2020 was interesting… to say the least. Most of us lost a bit of our freedom.

Do yourself a favour and find what freedom means to you.

Is it joining the van life movement, having your own business, travelling full time, working towards financial freedom, or living a single life?

Identify what your version of freedom means and pursue it. And keep in mind that any big change is going to be scary. But you got this!

Learn to play again

Now and then, let your guard down and do something fun and silly.

We took our kids to Six Flags a few years ago. I got on every ride I could and scream at the top of my lungs. It was terrifying and thrilling. But I had a blast!

So get out there, be carefree and live like a kid again.

Gratitude is the key to happiness. When gratitude is practiced regularly and from the heart, it leads to a richer, fuller and more complete life… It is impossible to bring more abundance into your life if you are feeling ungrateful about what you already have. Why? Because the thoughts and feelings you emit as you feel ungrateful are negative emotions and they will attract more of those feelings and events into your life. – Vishen Lakhiani

30-day happiness challenge

Here is the list of 30 day challenge ideas.

1| A positivity challenge. Think and speak positively today.

2| Write 10 things you are grateful for.

3| Practice positive affirmations.

4| Spend time doing your favourite hobby.

5| Listen to music and have a dance party. With someone or alone.

6| Watch standup comedy or a funny TV show.

7| Get outside in nature. Nature walk, bike ride, hiking, walking, camping.

8| Spend time with people you love.

9| Have a bubble bath, with rose paddles, a glass of wine, music, candle lights, and enjoy.

10| Order or cook your favourite meal and do a Netflix and chill night.

11| Journal or brain dump. Just get all your thoughts and ideas out of your head, on paper.

12| Make your favourite dessert.

13| Go stargazing, roast marshmallows and enjoy a night outside.

14| Do one thing you have always wanted to do but never had time for.

15| Do gardening indoor or outdoor.

16| Spend the day volunteering.

17| Enjoy a workout secession.

18| Spend the day at the beach. Pack a picnic, sunscreen, maybe your favourite book, and enjoy the sun.

19| Play a game with your partner. Sports, card games, relationship questions…

20| Have a spa day, at home or at a spa.

21| Have a drink with a friend and have a good laugh.

22| Cozy up with a book.

23| Host a dinner party.

24| Do something fun and carefree.

25| Explore your creativity, paint a picture or draw, write a poem.

26| Have a self-care day.

27| Meditate.

28| Listen to a podcast.

29| Enjoy your favourite glass of wine.

30| Enjoy a yoga session.

31| Cuddle with someone you love.

Final Thoughts

Hope you enjoyed and try this list for your 30-day happiness challenge. Remember, happiness is a feeling and not a thing.

Learn to smile more and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Not everyone is truly happy all the time. We all have moments of sadness.

Happiness requires you to engage in activities that bring about feelings of joy, peace, and living with purpose and satisfaction.

Don’t forget to share!!

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