two people doing yoga pose

Yoga is an exercise that focuses on achieving harmony between the mind and body. For some, yoga is more than just an exercise since results stretch far more significantly than just physical appearance.

Yoga, in its purest form, transforms you not only physically but spiritually as well. It provides the yogi with several disciplines such as patience, tranquility, control, and many more. 

While individuals can practice yoga alone, there is nothing more enjoyable than practicing yoga with a group or another person. Practicing yoga with someone can be fun and also beneficial.

Some Yoga poses require several techniques and maneuvers that require two people. This article will talk about the yoga poses for two people and the benefits of practicing yoga with a partner.

Read on to find out more!

This article is a guest post from our friends at Lotus Kitty definitely check them out for more yoga resources. Enjoy!

The Benefits Of Doing Yoga With Two People

The act of practicing yoga with another person is called partner yoga or couples yoga. Since yoga requires an individual to stretch, bend and pose a certain way, another set of helping hands goes a long way.

Having a partner while practicing yoga is beneficial for many reasons; not only do you have a spotter for safety, but you also have someone to push your stretches to a good limit.

Having a partner makes it easier to improve and acquire the skills you want to achieve as each yoga session goes by.

Other benefits of practicing couples or partners yoga include:


Benefits of Meditation: How it Can Improve Your Life

Improves Communication and Trust

When practicing yoga with a partner, each individual communicates the different goals and concerns to initiate a yoga maneuver or technique.

Communication enables the person to express themselves with their partner openly and can help with appreciating feedback.

For couples with trouble opening up to each other or for individuals who have difficulty talking to someone, this dramatically increases the chance for open communication that can build confidence.

Trust develops in the process of practicing partners’ yoga. When doing the exercise, individuals become vulnerable at a certain point, putting their trust in the other.

This feeling of vulnerability, when surpassed, results in an acquired sense of security and comfort with your partner.

Yoga Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Yoga as a practice involves meditation, which can transport any individual to a peaceful mindset.

Even when situated near a busy street in the center of a city, meditation can significantly reduce the stress of your environment when practiced.

Meditating with a partner only makes it better since you are aware that you are not alone.

Having to work with someone together will always decrease anxiety while performing a task. Yogi’s come out of meditation relaxed, refreshed, and calm. 

Decrease The Risk For Injuries

The practice of yoga involves complex techniques and maneuvers that can become dangerous to the individual when done wrong.

When you practice yoga with a partner, the risk of injuries significantly drops because you have another set of hands that can guide you when initiating yoga poses.

Having a partner around also helps you to check yourself better through communication.

Another opinion about whether you can or cannot do a particular pose will undoubtedly be at your advantage when practicing yoga.

Top 3 Yoga Poses For Two People

Seated Ground or Centering.

  1. Meditation is the key result of this yoga technique.
  1. Both partners should face each other while sitting straight and having both legs crossed.
  1. While looking at your partner straight in the eyes, try to synchronize your breathing.
  1. Do around 15-20 deep breaths. With each breath, try to communicate to your partner without using words. 

Facing Twist Yoga Pose

  1. This maneuver involves both partners facing each other. Sit down properly with your back straight and both legs crossed. 
  1. Reach for your partner’s waist with your right hand. Stretch your left hand behind your back and be ready to grab your partner’s right hand. 
  1. By now, both of your hands should be holding each other. 
  1. Take turns in gently pulling each hand; this will twist your partner’s back. 
  1. Each pull will influence how far your partner’s back will twist, so be extra careful and communicate your concern.
  1. Take turns and accompany each twist with deep breathing exercises. 

Want to know more about yoga, health and wellness? Our friends from Lotus Kitty would be happy to help. Go to

Boat Pose

  1. Both individuals should be seated while facing one another.
  1. It is crucial to note that your legs should be free and not tucked in. 
  1. Reach out to your partner’s arms and make sure to have a firm grip just above the wrist.
  1. Slowly extend your knees outward to touch your partner’s toes. 
  1. This may not be an easy technique to rush into, so take your time doing this.
  1. Once your toes are touching, you can slowly stretch back to hold the final position.
  1. Hold the final position for around 15-20 seconds accompanied by deep breathing.


With all the adversities and stress that we face in our world today, it is no secret that yoga is one practice to help us push through.

Yoga is a practice enjoyed worldwide for its multiple benefits to health, spirituality, and decluttering the mind. While yoga can be done alone, yoga practice with two people or a group can have many benefits, as mentioned.

So, if you have the time, try yoga with your partner and enjoy the different benefits it can bring to each individual’s life. Namaste. 

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