woman in white long sleeve shirt lying on bed

Ever wish you could just do what you need to do when you needed to do it? You’re not alone! Learning how to develop self-discipline takes consistency and practice. So in this post, I will share some tips to help you master self-discipline.

I have struggled with self-discipline my entire life. I thought I was just lazy or unmotivated.

Well, maybe I was those things too. But the point is, I had no self-control. I knew what I wanted but was unwilling to do what was required to get it.

Until I learnt how important having self-discipline was.

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Self-Discipline Definition?

Self-discipline is “the ability to make yourself do what needs to be done”. It is also correcting or regulating oneself for the sake of improvement. (source)

It’s exercising power over oneself, self-mastery over your actions, inner desires and thoughts. Having control over your life and living under your values and goals and letting them guide the way you think, act, and live.

While overcoming internal and external conflict to act in a way that benefits your goals, not your emotions or desires.

Ignoring all the BS excuses and just sticking with your commitments, even if you don’t feel like it.

Why Is Self-Disciple Important?

So, if you are wondering why is self discipline important in accomplishing your goals, it’s simple.

People that are disciplined can make informed, rational decisions not based on impulse or emotions.

In a nutshell, self-discipline is ignoring instant gratification for a more favorable result, despite the work that is required.

Self-discipline is related to a more secure attachment, a better relationship, higher self-esteem, and healthier eating habits. Self-discipline also correlates with better performance at school and work, happiness and fulfilment in all areas of your life, and better conflict management. It entails breaking and forming healthy habits. (source)

Ways to Practice Self-Discipline

These are simple steps on how to develop self-discipline that is easy to implement but requires consistency for more beneficial results. Because lack of self-discipline will only hinder your progress and prevent you from reaching your goals.

If I want to be great, I have to win the victory over myself.

Harry S Truman

1| It Will Never be the Right Time to Develop Self-Discipline

Changing your life for the better is never easy. In fact, it requires discipline to set goals and take action.

For example, I knew I wanted to lose my saggy baby pooch gifted to me by my kids. But I couldn’t get myself to do it. Although I hated exercising, I knew it was necessary to reach my goal.

I spent weeks convincing myself that I needed the right outfit, a gym membership, and the right weather before I started. But these were all excuses that were keeping me stuck in a bad habit.

Deep down, I knew it will never be the perfect timing or situation. But I was comfortably unhappy making excuses.

The lies or excuses we tell ourselves are our mind’s way of protecting us from the unfamiliar, from getting out of a bad habit. Since it is easier to live with an old habit than to become temporarily uncomfortable with a new routine.

Ignore the excuses to keep the goal in mind and acknowledge that it will take time to gain the power of self-discipline to master your life.  

2| Start Small to Avoid Quitting

Avoid becoming overwhelmed by taking small manageable steps towards your goal.

It is easy to become intimidated by a project, especially something new, but when you pace yourself, it appears more manageable.

It’s like building a website. Just the thought alone is intimidating, but when you break it down into small, manageable steps, it appears smaller.

The easiest way to become overwhelmed and quit a new habit is to bite off more than you can chew. Therefore, if you want to become disciplined and achieve your goals, pace yourself.

3| Remove Temptations

Did you know that your environment can affect your choices? The people that surround you have more influence over your willpower and can easily influence your decisions.

These individuals closest to us can cause us to repeat bad habits because they don’t always want to practice tough love.

It is important to set boundaries, letting them know your desires and your need for support.

Any temptations or triggers hindering you, identify and remove them.

Another common temptation that could prevent you from developing discipline is the snooze button.

The easiest way to overcome this habit is by placing the alarm clock away from your bed, forcing you to get up and turn it off.

Do this consistently enough and you will be up before the alarm goes off.

4| Time Management / Prioritizing to Master Self-discipline

As a parent, managing my time is essential if I want to get anything done. Therefore, waking up at 5:30 am works wonders for my business and mental health.

This is my time to do what I want in solitude.

Without time management, my life would be a disorganized mess. I use a planner to schedule my business activities and keep my days running smoothly.

It’s important to list tasks based on their importance to make the best use of your time. If you can efficiently manage your time, then you can master self-discipline.

5| Reward Yourself for Simple Wins to Form Self-discipline

Self-discipline is not about self-deprivation or not allowing some wiggle room to take a break.

It’s about setting realistic goals, following through on them, and rewarding yourself when you hit a milestone.

For example, if your goal is to lose weight, start small by eliminating some junk foods and exercising 2x per week, until you can eliminate all junk foods and increase the intensity of your workout.

Have a reward, something enjoyable to look forward to for a certain amount of weight you lose overtime.

By pacing yourself and rewarding your efforts, you are more likely to stick to this habit. You will also avoid disappointments, failure, and retrieving back to old habits.

6| how to build Self-discipline by Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

Jim Rohn

Living a healthy lifestyle includes getting quality sleep, eating a well-balanced diet, and exercising. When your body and mind are at it’s best, it becomes easier to make well-informed decisions.

As opposed to when you are hungry, tired, or your body is just not getting the nutrients it needs.

It becomes difficult to concentrate since your brain is not functioning at its highest potential.

Because of reduced brain function, you are likely to have a weak sense of self-control in all areas of your life. And there goes the self-discipline!

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle also requires self-discipline because you are making an informed decision to care for your needs.

Start living a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly and eating foods that will fuel your body. Have snacks on hand for an extra boost throughout the day.   

7| Acknowledge Failures, Forgive Yourself and Move on to have self-discipline

You will fail. It is inevitable. Accept it. It is not the fact that you failed, it is how you respond to your failures.

The first online business I started was an immense failure. I fell flat on my face, then took a moment to reflect, and started again. 

Most of my failures were because of my lack of self-discipline. Because I did not understand the role discipline played in building success.

I realized I need to give some things up, change my routine and start sticking with my commitments to achieve my goals.

On your way to gaining self-control, you will mess up, but it’s not the end of the world. Make a commitment to yourself to stick to your goals, regardless.

Never view failures as a setback or a reason to quit. Instead, see it as an opportunity to instill wisdom. To discipline your thinking and actions to overcome adversity.

8| Set Realistic Goals That are Your Own & Stay Committed

Don’t be consumed by society’s expectations of what beauty, success, and happiness are. How you develop self-control is by staying true to your values and setting realistic goals.

Know what you want, and what vision you hold for your future. Then create goals and a process geared towards your vision of success.

Stay committed to the course and be consistent in your actions

Knowing what you want and having crazy work ethics combined with self-discipline is the way to success.

9| Find a Role Model to Help Build Self-discipline

This can be anyone that embodies who you want to be or what you want to accomplish.

Find someone that is doing what you want to do. Study their work ethics, what they do daily to become successful, what books they read, and who they surround themselves with.

You will realize that most successful people have a high level of self-discipline that guides them towards their success.

10| Positive Mindset for Self-discipline

The final tip to help you develop self-discipline is to monitor your internal dialogue and cultivate a positive mindset.

Since self-discipline requires mastering your mind and not allowing your emotions to dictate your decisions.

It makes sense to limit internal conflict to act in a way that benefits your goals. Meaning nurture your thoughts, limit self-doubt, develop a positive way of thinking, and lose limiting beliefs.

The days when you don’t feel like sticking to your commitments, that inner critic will tell you “it’s ok to relax”, “sleep in some more”, “have a lazy day”. But pushing through those moments will be rewarding and help build momentum.

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best books for self discipline

Looking for more self-help books? Try this list of the best personal development books.

Final Thoughts On How to Develop Self-Discipline

Self-discipline requires work and dedication over a long term. If you want to be, do, and have it all, try practicing some self-control.

Self-control is the core of success. There is no secret to getting there, it’s just hard work. Success comes from discipline and consistency. Without those, there is no long-term gain.

Be sure to try these simple ways to develop self-discipline, and you will be on your way to success.

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