woman meditation

When was the last time you invested in yourself? Like take some time to improve your personal and professional life. Did you know to invest in yourself is one of the biggest returns on your investment?

Want to know how you can invest a little into your life to reap big rewards?

But first!

What does it mean to invest in yourself?

To invest in yourself means to use money, time, effort, and other resources to attempt to improve oneself. Hoping to increase your value, that doing so brings future benefits.

But why is investing in yourself so important?

Because it allows you to become your ultimate self and chase your dreams fearlessly and confidently.

It means putting yourself first and prioritizing time and effort back into developing your overall self.

And taking charge of your life. Instead of waiting for life to change, you take deliberate actions and bank on yourself to develop and have a better life.

This could mean reading more, taking classes to improve your work performance, exercising, getting therapy for past issues, or building confidence.

Here is a list of ways to invest in your personal and professional life. 

How to invest in yourself personally

To have what you’ve never had, you have to be willing to do what you have never done. Unknown

Get rid of bad habits to invest in yourself

If you want to become your best self, doesn’t it make sense to break the bad habits hindering you?

Habits are learnt behaviors that either keep us stuck or help us grow. To really invest in yourself, identify all the bad habits and make a plan to start working on them.

Use a habit tracker to keep track of your progress. Read my post on How to Break Bad Habits.

Invest in your self-care

Did you know your level of self-care affects all areas of your life?

Self-care is caring for your physical, mental, and spiritual health. But it is sometimes difficult to prioritize self-care when we have the demands of family and career.

Self-care is proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, improve concentration, reduce stress, increase happiness and minimize frustration and anger.

But not investing time to cater to your needs leaves you feeling burnout and resentful.

Create a self-care routine tailored to your lifestyle to help you invest in yourself.

Related: Self-Care Ideas To Boost Mental & Physical Health

Meditate for inner peace

Did you know meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health?

Yes girl, you need to try it!

Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. It can also increase your awareness, increase your patience, and help with stress management.

What better way to invest in your mental health than to meditate to clear out all the mental clutter.

Related: Benefits of Meditation: How it Can Improve Your Life

Invest in your health

woman stretching on grass

Your health is the most important investment that will also be beneficial to other areas as well. Your diet plays a huge role in your energy and ability to perform well.

Improve your diet by reducing junk foods with high sugar and salt content. And incorporating adequate fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Living a healthy lifestyle helps you invest time and resources in maintaining your body to perform at its best.

Physical fitness will boost your mood, help to manage stress, improve your confidence, and better weight management.

Not to mention, staying physically fit helps strengthen bones, muscles and joints.

A minimum of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, preferably all days, is ideal. (source)

Related: The Best Home Gym Fitness Equipment For Small Space

Invest time in reading more educational books

Reading is one of the best forms of self-education that is beneficial to one’s personal and professional life.

It can improve your concentration, mental stimulation, increase communication and writing skills, improve memory, and build stronger analytical thinking skills.

The more knowledge you have, the more prepared you are to tackle any challenge you’ll ever face.

Reading at least 20 minutes per day helps you build knowledge to improve your personal and professional life.

Don’t have time to read? Try Audible.

Related: 10 Best Self-Improvement Books Of All Time To Read

Overcoming self-doubt to invest in yourself

Self-doubt occurs when we lack confidence or feel incapable of doing things.

Having some self-doubt is normal, but being fearful and constantly feeling incapable of acting in situations affects your life.

Self-doubt will also keep you stuck and unable to take on challenges to better yourself and improve your work performance.

Since anxiety and self-doubt will cause you to underachieve, invest time in identifying your limiting beliefs, preventing you from living fully.

Invest in quality alone time

Am an introvert and alone time is golden, it allows me to recharge and reduce stress and anxiety.

So, you’re probably wondering how does having alone time helps you invest in yourself?

It’s because solitude gives you time to reflect, increases productivity, sparks creativity, builds mental strength, and helps you know yourself better. (source)

Carve out a few minutes each day with no technology, just you being alone with your thoughts to invest in your mental well-being.

Build self-confidence to invest in yourself

Another way to upgrade your life is by checking your confidence since it affects all areas of your life.

Confidence allows you to bet on yourself and take on challenges, it can help you grow or hold you back. Confidence frees you from self-doubt and negative thoughts about yourself.

Investing in building your self-confidence allows you to live on your own terms, take risks and move out of your comfort zone.

Does your confidence need a boost?

Related: How to Build Self-Confidence: 17 Ways To Be More Confident.

Invest in practicing self-love

For most of my life, I didn’t know self-love was a thing, well I liked myself. But loving me?

I was the most pessimistic, energy-sucking person with low self-confidence and damaged self-worth.

I grew up in an emotionally abusive home where love was lacking. So learning to love me has been challenging and liberating at once.

Practice self-love through being kind to yourself, self-acceptance, doing things you love, treating others with love and respect, and having positive, nurturing thoughts.

Self-love allows you to know your worth and value self investment.

Overcome negative mindset

Another aspect of investing in yourself is nurturing your mindset. Since happy people never have a negative mindset.

To improve your mindset, surround yourself with positive people, express gratitude and monitor your inner critic.

A positive mindset can reduce depression, stress and anxiety, improve self-esteem, and better communication with others.

The benefits of a positive mindset include optimism, gratitude, acceptance, resilience, mindfulness and integrity. Invest a little to get a lot.

Give yourself a break by enjoying a hobby

To invest in yourself also means doing things that excite you and make you happier. Hence a hobby!

Hobbies provide a fulfilling and productive use of our free time.

Find things you enjoy doing that don’t include scrolling through social media. 

Hobbies stretch our skills, offer challenges and distract us from our daily routine. Find a sport, knitting, gardening, cooking, community service or book club…

Invest in quality sleep

Most adults need about 8 hours of good quality sleep.

Getting enough sleep helps you improve your mood, reduce stress, think clearly, improve your immune system and increase productivity. Sleep can also improve your blood pressure and restore your energy. (source)

So obviously to be your best sufficient sleep is important.

Do a life audit and get your shit together

Are there things or people drag you down and making you feel unworthy?

A life audit is not something you do overnight, really consider what you’re currently doing.

Is what am doing beneficial, where do you have strengths or can improve, and what you want or need?

Also, who or what is not adding any value to my life?

When you give yourself space to identify what you really want, you can navigate life more intentionally and create the life you want.

Doing a life audit is a way to invest in yourself to see what is working and areas that need improvement.

Look your best

The last tip to invest in your personal life is upgrading your appearance. Because how can you invest in yourself fully without taking care of your appearance?

Get your hair done, go shopping, get outfits that suits your body…

Getting new outfits that make you feel confident and attractive. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to look good. There are websites that are inexpensive and trendy.

How to invest in yourself professionally

group of men in meeting

Another way to invest in yourself is to improve professionally. Upgrading your skills to perform better at work. Learning new task, taking courses, getting a mentor.

Because a successful career provides a better quality of life.

Invest in continuous learning

Continuous learning is also important in investing in your professional life. Because it keeps your brain sharp, upgrades your skills, helps you stay knowledgeable and competitive in your field.

So continuous learning is an important component when investing in yourself. After all, knowledge is not power, but it’s what you do with your knowledge that is powerful.

Expand your knowledge through seminars

We know continuous learning is important to invest in yourself professionally. One of the best ways to interact with and learn from experts in your field is through seminars and workshops.

This allows one to network with others and learn new skills to improve their work performance.

So, when you invest in your professional life through seminars, you can also improve communication skills, gain expert knowledge, and renew confidence and motivation.

Invest in improving your communication skills

For us, introverts communication is not our strength. But communicating effectively allows you to contribute your thoughts and ideas well. Having strong communication skills is important professionally and personally.

Being able to communicate effectively will give you an advantage at work and can help you have a successful relationship as well.

Learn how to communicate verbally and nonverbally. Since poor communication leads to frustration and misunderstanding.

Set realistic goals

Nothing can set you up for failure more than setting unrealistic goals or not having clarity about what you want.

Goals can motivate us to develop strategies that will make our visions achievable. Accomplishing goals can lead to satisfaction, increase in confidence and further motivation, or frustration and lower motivation if the goal is not accomplished. (source)

Therefore, goal setting identifies areas in your professional life you need to invest more time or resource into.

Healthy work-life balance

woman laying on couch smiling

Stress is a part of any workplace, it can affect you mentally and physically. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is important for stress reduction, and to prevent burnout.

Maintaining a healthy balance can boost work satisfaction, promote healthy habits, and make you happier.

Try to invest more time in creating a work life balance where you feel happy at work and also have time to do things that make you happier.

Surround yourself with influential people

Surrounding yourself with influential people can also help you invest in your professional life. It’s known that to learn a new skill you need to learn from people who are expert at it. Someone doing what you want to do and crushing it.

When I started my blog, I started taking courses from successful bloggers who knew exactly what it takes.

To continue to invest in yourself, surround yourself with positive, happy people that are smarter than you, that already accomplish your goals, and are successful in your field. Highly successful people will share their strategies with you to help you become a success. (source)

“You’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.”- Jim Rohn

Find a role model

Another way to invest in yourself is by having a role model.

Your role model doesn’t have to be someone in your desired field or someone you actually know. Having a role model helps you to improve your life and have a positive attitude towards it.

Role models can also inspire you to adopt new habits and to achieve your goals.

Take care of your finances

And finally investing in your life also means staying on top of your money.

Simple money habits include living within your means, never spending what you don’t have, creating a budget, and sticking to it, and paying yourself first.

Create savings for emergency, or to put towards goals. But also, create a plan to pay off debt that’s dragging you down.


Investing in yourself means putting time and effort into improving your skills and your life.

When you first invest in yourself and develop a process to reach your goals, you can become successful in all areas of your life.

Share below how you invest in yourself.

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