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Looking for ways to curate a positive mindset? This post list simple ways to remove negativity from your life to find fulfillment.

Did you know negative thoughts or emotions can dominate your mind without you even being aware of them?

Or often mentally drained from your thoughts or people around you? Well, you are not alone.

We often become our own worst enemy through self-sabotage and negative thinking. But sometimes it’s our environment that contributes to our negative mindset.

For instance, Les Brown said making his first million was not a problem. The difficulty was convincing himself that he could do it.

As we can see, there is no limit to what we can accomplish, just your mind limiting what you think you can accomplish.

Here are simple tips on removing negativity from your mind to live your best life.

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Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change

Jim Rohn

Become Aware of Negative Thoughts

The first step in changing any behavior is to identify the problem. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza, changed my life.

This book is amazing and a must-read if you want to learn to become your ideal self. In this book, he discussed overcoming your subconscious mind and changing the way we think.

Dispenza also discusses becoming aware of your thoughts and feelings, and how they make you feel.

Monitoring what thoughts create a certain feeling, and how we react to that feeling creates our reality. If you spend a day monitoring your thoughts, you will realize how your thoughts affect your emotions.

Once you are aware of what thoughts and feelings are crippling your mind, then you can start making changes to become more positive.

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Become Aware of People in Your Inner Circle

How do people influence your thoughts and behavior? You know, that friend or acquaintance with somewhat good intentions who can talk us out of or into anything?

Yes, that same no-good friend. That negative energy-sucking vampire, who only sees the negative in every situation. Sounds harsh, but true.

This could be your boss, mother, friend, or spouse. You tell them about your wonderful concept and they come up with a million reasons why pursuing it is a bad idea.

They may distract you from your goals and support your destructive habits.

Consider cutting off or limiting your time with these negative individuals that don’t empower or support you.

Instead, surround yourself with people that embody who you want to become, or set boundaries for people in your life.

As the saying goes, show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.

Learn to Let Shit go and Stop Living in The Past

Your experiences should never dictate your future reality. The failures or regrets you are experiencing should never hinder you from moving forward.

Did you know your thoughts can create your reality? Joe Dispenza explains this in detail in Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself. He places great emphasis on letting go of the past and creating the further you want using your thoughts and meditation.

Think about the experiences and feelings you hope to have, use those to occupy your mind. As Joe said, your thoughts create your reality. Whatever you focus on will manifest in your life.

So if you want to move forward instead of living in the past, then stop rehearsing the negative emotions. Instead, think about the future you as happy and fulfilled.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself helped me to become more aware of what thoughts I allowed to occupy my mind.

It’s difficult to let go of experiences such as emotional scares, or childhood trauma. Believe me, I have a closet full of issues…

Failure does not determine your identity, it’s an experience that teaches, inspires, and motivates.

Learn to accept what is and move forward.

Checkout this awesome video.

Unfocused or Unfulfilled

Let’s be real. It is easy to feel unfulfilled, lack of motivation, lost, or just plain lazy sometimes, but these can all cause negative emotions.

If you feel unfulfilled, for instance? This could be because of a lack of purpose or no clear direction?

Set clear intentions about what you hope to accomplish and when. In addition, write clear realistic goals, with actionable steps to work on daily, weekly, and so on.

Use a planner to keep a visual track of what needs to be done to meet your goals. The key here is to review your goals daily, so you are constantly reminded of what you are working towards.

An essential part of my morning routine is to review my goals and work on them. I complete 1 or more tasks that bring me closer to accomplishing my goals on time.

Completing these simple steps prevent procrastination, and you will feel more accomplished.

inspirational quotes on a planner, fresh start no negativity

Daily Positive Affirmations

Doing daily positive affirmations is the final tip to help with removing negativity from your mind.

When you identify areas that need improvement, develop positive affirmations that coincide with the person you want to become. These can be about gratitude, self-esteem, or even motivation.

Develop affirmations specific to your life and the person you want to become. It’s more beneficial to read affirmations daily, this helps ingrain positivity into your subconscious, and keeps you focused.

Affirmations can also reduce stress, especially when you practice affirmations of gratitude.

Note that doing daily affirmations alone is not enough, use other techniques along with affirmations. Like reading self-help books, seeking professional help, and trying the techniques listed above.

Finding things in your life to become grateful for will help you focus on the positive. No matter what the situation, find some good in it.

Try including affirmations into your day to reprogram your belief and focus on the positive.

Final Thoughts On How to remove negativity from your life

Overall, these techniques enabled me to overcome my negative thought process. And I am more content and positive, learn how to conquer your mind, instead of allowing negativity to control your life.

Monitor your thoughts, and how they make you feel. Become surrounded by positive people that embody who you want to become. Always live in the present and never let negative experiences hinder your success.

Stay positive, always.

What techniques do you use to keep a positive mindset?

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