woman girl bed bedroom morning

Are you looking for a productive morning routine that will bring more focus into your life?

Do you want to have the best morning routine for success, school, for moms or for introverts? We all do.

The thing is, change is difficult. If it wasn’t, then most of us would have our ideal life.

But by making slight changes to your daily routine, you will create good habits to transform your life over time.

Did you know who you are and will become is determined by your daily habits?

For example, skipping your workout one day won’t hurt. But consistently making excuses for not exercising eventually becomes a habit.

Before you know it, you’re unhealthy and not sure how it happened.

So, let’s dive in to ideas for a productive morning routine for success.

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The Miracle Morning Routine Book

I stumbled upon this book, The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, read it, and implemented the strategies.

This book is incredible and provides amazing insights into how continuous personal development will help you achieve success in all areas of your life.

Create a morning routine that fits your lifestyle and is in line with your values. It doesn’t have to be long, just a few minutes every morning. Dedicated to you.

Let’s see how you can transform your life by creating the best morning routine for success.

1| Have a Strong Reason For Wanting to Transform Your Life

First of all, I am not a morning person!

I was stumbling out of bed, feeling irritated that I slept in yet again.

Then I realized sleeping in no longer served me. I was unproductive, unhappy, unfocused, easily irritated, and had no time for personal development.

I knew I needed a change. But was too comfortable being uncomfortable to change.

My kids somehow think I belong to them. That my duty is to serve their every desire. Seriously, I can’t even go to the bathroom without them calling me.

Therefore, waking up hours before they do was a game-changer. I could focus on improving myself, finding inner peace, working on my goals, and starting the day in a positive tone.

What is your motivation for wanting to change your life? Are you tired of your current situation?

2| Stay Hydrated: Make Drinking Water Part of Your Morning Routine

After a night’s sleep, our body becomes dehydrated and need to refuel. Having a bottle or glass of water beside your bed makes it convenient.

I drink warm lemon water or my detox tea, which includes apple cider vinegar, ginger, lemon, and turmeric first thing in the morning.

Not only do I get some much-needed hydration, but I also get a detox. 

Related: How To Stay Hydrated In The Heat: Benefits of Drinking Water

3| Morning Routine Should Include Meditation For Mindfulness

focused black woman in easy sit posture

Another essential part of my morning routine is meditation.

Meditation gives me clarity and a greater sense of self.

When you sit in quiet, with your eyes closed and no distractions, you will become more mindful.

Another important aspect of meditation is it can help you train your mind to focus, ignore distractions, and go within to identify any mental blocks.

It allows you to increase your awareness, reduce stress, and reduce anxiety.

There are APPs and videos on YouTube that can guide you through simple meditations.

Breaking the habit of being yourself by Joe Dispenza is an amazing book that will teach you how to, and the importance of meditating.

All the changes I made to my morning routine had a positive impact on my life, but meditation alone changed my overall state of being.

Related: Benefits of Meditation: How it Can Improve Your Life

4| Reviewing Your Goals Daily For Success

Dreams without goals are just dreams.

Denzel Washington

What are your hopes and dreams?

Where do you see yourself in 1 or 5 years from now?

What one change could you make daily that would make the most impact?

Identify your goals and have written steps you need to take to accomplish your goals. Make it a part of your morning routine to review your goals and work on them.

Write daily, monthly, and yearly goals. Create small concise goals that are realistic and manageable.

When you review your goals daily, you are constantly reminded of what you’re working towards.

It is important to emphasize that a planner is great for recording goals and helping you remain accountable.

Ask yourself what can I do daily that will get me closer to my goals?

What am I doing that is working?

What do I need to start doing to get what I want? And what do I need to stop doing?

Related: Personal Growth Goal List: You Need For Personal Development Plan

5| Reflect on Your Thoughts Through Journaling

Another important part of my morning routine is journaling, because it helps me reflect on my thoughts in the present moment.

Research shows that people who keep a gratitude journal are happier and more positive since they always focus on the positives.

Showing gratitude helps me feel more satisfied and fulfilled. Want a happy, positive life? Then, try finding something each day to be grateful for.

6| Read Inspirational and Personal Development Books

It is better to be prepared for something and not have it than to have something and not be prepared for it.

Les Brown

It is important to continue to develop oneself, to form healthy lifestyle habits.

Read a few pages or a chapter per day. Read books that coincide with the person you want to be; personal development, finances, nutrition books, etc.

Books such as Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Power of Positive Thinking, You Are A Bad Ass, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, and You Are a Badass are a must-read for personal development.

These books have helped me overcome my limiting beliefs and gave me motivation to pursue my dreams.

Ultimately, reading inspirational and personal development books reinforces your desire to live a fulfilling life.

Whatever area of your life needs improvement, there are books to help. Try audible, eBooks, whatever works for you.

Related Post: 10 Best Self-Improvement Books Of All Time

7| Create a Vision Board For Success

A vision board relates to life’s direction and helps with motivation. Vision board helps you to visualize, but you also need to put in the work to accomplish what you want.

Don’t be lazy and sit on your ass complaining, work for what you want. 

If, for example, you are trying to manifest a new car or dream house, put these onto your vision board. Review your vision board daily, make it eye-catching and easy to read.

Visualize what you want and practice the feeling of how you will feel having it.

Anything that you want, personal or professional, or to change something about yourself, include it on your vision board. Because what you focus on will manifest in your life.

8| Morning Exercise Routine to Boost Your Energy

I walk for 30 mins 3 days per week, along with doing some core exercise.

Yoga is another practice I have been incorporating into my morning routine. It is simple, yet effective.

Since I have incorporated exercise into my daily routine, I honestly feel happier, more relaxed, and more energetic.

What exercises do you enjoy?

Related: Simple Yoga Poses For Two People: Benefits Of Yoga For Two

9| Be Thankful

Final tip for a morning routine to set yourself up for success is to spend some time expressing your gratitude.

Put God first in all that you do and watch your life change for the better. Most people may say the universe, Hala, Source energy… Whatever your belief, there’s still only one God.

So spend some time giving thanks for all the miracles and blessings in your life and connecting with your creator.

Tips For a Healthy Morning Routine

The ultimate morning routine for introverts, moms, for student that will change your life.

  • Get Quality sleep every night.
  • Create a healthy bedtime routine.
  • Incorporate exercise into your day.
  • Review goals daily.
  • Watch /listen to motivational videos, podcast, Ted talks, audio books.
  • Read knowledgeable books every morning.
  • Avoid checking emails first thing in the morning.
  • Develop success habits.
  • Plan your day the night before.
  • Avoid negative news first thing in the morning.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast to avoid overeating and irritability.
  • Prioritize self-care.
  • Try meditation for mindfulness.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Make your bed and clean your space.
  • Avoid checking your phone.
  • Stretch your body.
  • Practice deep breathing exercise.
  • Take a cool shower.


This routine changed my life and will work wonders for you. Not only am I more energetic, but I am also more productive.

I can focus on my goals and create strategies on how to accomplish them.

Incorporating personal development into your day is the best way to develop healthy habits.

Spend some time each day improving yourself and it will create a compound effect to change your life.

Read the book The Miracle Morning and create a healthy routine that fits your lifestyle and is in line with your values.

You will be amazed at how your life will change for the better.

What changes will you make to your day to become your ideal self? Share below.

Don’t forget to share!!

The miracle morning routine that will change your life.

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