woman in front of her computer productive

Struggling to be productive? Want to learn how to be productive?

We know how difficult staying on task can be, especially with social media distractions and mental health issues.

So, in this post, you will find simple tips on how to be productive and efficient and overcome laziness.

Because we are all guilty of stumbling throughout the day with no clear idea of what to do or how to not procrastinate and be productive.

Sadly, this was my life for years! And sometimes it still is. I was procrastinating, multitasking, not prioritizing, and not making time for self-care.

At some point, we have to desperately want to change, to get in a productive mode and work towards a change that will help us become more productive and happier. 

Here are some ideas to help you become the badass at crushing your goals. These are simple, yet effective tips to be productive at work, how to be productive when working from home and tips I used to stay productive.

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1| The simple act of making your bed

Sounds simple, right? Start your day off by getting into a productive mode.

The simple act of making your bed first thing in the morning is rewarding. It gives the feeling of having accomplished something already.

Keeping your place of rest tidy helps your mind stay clear and helps you adopt daily healthy habits.

Making your bed gives you a sense of wellbeing, improves your mood, and creates an organized space.

2| Create an effective morning routine

Did you know a productive morning routine leads to a successful day?

I love being up early in the morning. It is peaceful. I get more done, and the day feels longer.

So, I created a morning routine dedicated to reviewing my goals, journaling, reading, meditating and working.

This helps me stay productive and focus throughout the day. And honestly, I am not as easily irritated or unfocused when I stick to my routine. It’s like magic!

I enjoy having some quiet time to get projects done and work on my goals. I have learned that some of the most successful people have an early morning routine dedicated to personal growth and development.

Create something that is your own, push yourself to wake up early, and spend some time alone with your thoughts to learn more about yourself.

My morning routine allows me to focus on my goals and become more mindful and productive.

3| Set realistic goals aimed towards success

What are you working towards? Do you have goals you hope to accomplish? What is it going to take to get there? Because dreams without clear written goals are just dreams, nothing else.

Write out clear, concise, and realistic goals that illustrate what you desire in life. Know exactly what you want and what it will take to get it.

Become a beast, develop unshakable faith, and desire towards your goals. And never allow toxic people to infect your dreams.

Create short-term and long-term goals you hope to accomplish.

Create action plans, small workable steps that are manageable and realistic. Every day, complete one specific task that brings you closer to accomplishing your goals.

Because when you have a clear vision of what you desire in life, it becomes easier to be more productive every day.

4| how to not procrastinate and be productive

a girl sending text message to him

Procrastination is a dream killer!

Do not settle for things that bring instant gratification and are terrible for long-term success.

That business you wanted to start but never found the time or were too overwhelmed to know where to start. It is as simple as just starting.

From my own experiences, procrastination is usually because of fear, rejection, or failure.

Identify what is holding you back from being that badass you envision. Become more productive by having a plan and having the self-discipline to consistently work towards your goals. No excuses.

Related: Best Productive Things to do When You’re Bored at Home

5| Prioritize your task to be productive every day

Ask yourself, “What is most important? What task needs my undivided attention right now?”

Focus on that task first. Become clear about what is important to you, what needs to get done to bring you closer to your goals. Know what you want and create a plan to work towards it.

Become more productive by focusing on completing tasks in small manageable steps, starting with what is most important.

Create a list of the most important things you need to get done. Identify what will take more time or energy and do that first.

I like to give everything a time slot of when it will be done, when I try to do everything at once, I become overwhelmed and lose motivation. So pace yourself.

If you want to learn more about how to organize your life for productivity and efficiency, then you will love this post. It lists 5 effective ways to organize your life to improve your well-being. It’s a must read!

6| Avoid multitasking

Multitasking is another thing to avoid when trying to be more productive. It is difficult to focus entirely on one task when trying to multitask. Remember, you only have one brain! So, you can only focus on one thing at a time.

To become more productive and efficient, give each task your full undivided attention.

A great way to avoid multitasking is to practice mindfulness, the art of being in the present moment. Giving your undivided attention to the present task and doing it to the best of your abilities.

Being fully in the present, no cares or fears about what is going on around you. And not thinking about future or past.

Notice when you are in the zone and focusing on one task, you lose track of time. At that moment, you are fully present and most productive.

7| Make time for self care to be Productive

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

So what does self-care have to do with productivity?

When you are alien mentally, physically and emotionally, you are more likely to be productive.

Allocating time every day for self-improvement, to be and feel like your ideal self. It can be as simple as meditating for 10 minutes every day and reading something that adds value to your life.

Besides exercising, eating a well-balanced meal and loving the skin you’re in are equally important.

Successful people are inline with their values and cater to their wants and needs. Therefore, your work esthetics dictates your success, and your success is a representation of your personal development.

Develop a habit of working on yourself, getting to know what you love and what needs improvement. When you feel your best, it will be easier to be productive everyday.

Here’s a list of Self-Care Ideas To Boost Mental & Physical Health: Free & Cheap

8| Clean your space for increased productivity

Organizing your workspace is my final tip that will increase your productivity. When my workspace is clean, I feel more productive and motivated to get work done. This also increases my sense of well-being.

However, a disorganized work environment may discourage anyone from making any effort or from being productive.

I find it difficult to get anything done when my place is a mess. My mind usually feels distracted and jumbled.


What does having a productive day means?

Having a productive day means working efficiently on your highest priorities set for that day. It also means getting quality work done and seeing results to propel you forward. And having self-discipline to reject or avoid things that take you away or distract you from your set goals.

So at the end of a productive day, you recognize that you have accomplished your set task, and you feel good within yourself that you made effective use of your time.

Best time to wake up to be productive?

Maximizing your productivity is a must these days. Like the old saying, “the early bird catches the worm” is the best saying for productivity.

Some research indicate waking up between 4-6 am is the ideal time to be most productive. But ensure you get quality rest because you won’t be as productive if tired.

Waking up early helps you to have more time in a day, you’re less rushed and it’s proven to help you become more successful.

Final thoughts on how to be productive At work or Home

There are many techniques that will help you become more productive. But these are just a few that have worked for me.

My favorite technique is making time for self-care. I can honestly say when I cater to my needs and make healthy lifestyle choices, I feel amazing. And have endless energy to accomplish anything.

Find what works for you and your lifestyle.

What things do you do daily to stay productive?

More on efficiency and organization at efficiencyandorganization.com.

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