woman in gray blazer stands on gray concrete floor

If you ever wondered how do you make yourself happier? You’re not alone.

Everyone’s version of happiness is different, for some, happiness could mean spending quality time with loved ones, being in nature, or having the freedom to do what you please.

Regardless of what happiness means to you, it’s achievable and may simply require slight changes to your daily routine.

The first step in feeling happier is identifying why you’re not happy. Is there a person, your job, or mental illness preventing you from being happy? Or are you just not where you feel you’re meant to be.

The key to happiness is to have no expectation of others.

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What is happiness in simple words?

Happiness is the feeling of pleasure and contentment and having a sense of meaning and purpose in your life. Having positive emotions and feeling satisfied with the different areas of your life.

Happiness helps people build strong relationships, increase resilience, better stress management, and strong coping skills.

Books on how to be happier you need to read

Here are tips on how to be happier and more positive

Can you identify any areas in your life that need improvement? Is it professional? Are you struggling with mental illness, insecurities, body image, or health issues?

Find someone to talk to, develop better self-care habits, read self-help books, or form better-coping skills. Whatever it is, you owe it to yourself to be the best version of yourself.

Now lets dive in…

1| Reward simple wins

It shouldn’t matter how small it is, give yourself a pat on the back for every accomplishment.

In-between all the craziness that life offers, we encounter minor victories, don’t overlook them. Small wins provide a boost of happiness, and happy people are more productive.

2| See a therapist

If you feel you have tried everything and you’re still not happy, you may need to speak to a therapist. External things do not dictate lasting happiness, it’s based on what’s happening within yourself.

And occasionally a bubble bath or a nature walk won’t cut it. Try speaking to a professional who can guide you in the right direction. There’s no shame in that.

3| Take a break from social media

Social media can be a negative environment. It is over-saturated with a fake conception of beauty which can affect your mental health. Once you’re exposed to it, it’s like a drug. You keep going back for more. Take a break now and then for your mental health.

4| Reevaluate your priorities

Are you spending most of your time doing things that don’t serve you? Like going to a job you hate or spending all your free time watching Netflix.

Ask yourself, what am doing now that’s working for me?

What do I need to stop doing that’s impeding what I want most?

And what do I need to do that will empower me, get me going in the right direction to become happier?

Do what you are passionate about and success will follow.

5| Do what you love to uplift your mood

Do you love your job? Think of it this way: does the thought of going to work give you anxiety? Or does it make you race out of bed with joy?

Why would anyone spend their life doing a job they hate? Yes, I know because we need money, we got kids and bills…

I used to get anxious about going to work. I am a nurse and an introvert. So even though I loved some aspect of nursing, I knew nursing was not what I was passionate about. It was labor intensive, mentally draining, and became too social for my introverted soul.

So, if you are not doing what you love, what would you rather be doing?

Focus on building a career doing what you are passionate about. There is nothing that will make you happier than spending your life doing what you love.

6| Learn to forgive others and yourself to be happier

Holding on to anger over what others did to you will only fill your life with resentment and rob you of your happiness. Forgiveness allows you to become emotionally healthier, reduce the stress response, and diminish negative emotions.

7| Healthy lifestyle habits can make you happy

Regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, develop stress management, self-care routine, are just some lifestyle tips to help you be happier with yourself. So try developing consistency and balance in your daily life.

Also try meditation, it is a practice of the mind and body that promotes calmness and physical relaxation.

Also enhancing psychological equilibrium, dealing with sickness, and improving general health and well-being. Read my post on the benefits of meditation

meditation glow up

9| Engage in regular self-care activities to be happier alone

Our bodies go through a lot throughout the day, so why not show it some love with a little self-care?

After all, our body is our temple and the only one we get. So, create a regular self-care routine that is unique to your needs. Your body will thank you for it. When you look good, you feel better.

Related post: Self-Care Ideas For Women

10| Define what happiness means to you

Sometimes in relationships or being a parent, we get lost in their idea of happiness.

Take a moment to reflect on your values and what YOU love to do. Find hobbies to do outside of your relationships or anything that brings you joy.

And remember, it’s ok to say no to anything that doesn’t serve you.

11| How to be happier with yourself with sleep

Our body needs about 7-9 hours of sleep per night. If we don’t, we get fatigued and may feel like we’re in a fog.

Adequate sleep allows your body to reset and your brain to function at optimal capacity.

Sleep allows your brain to support healthy brain function and wellbeing. Sleep also helps protect your physical health, mental health, and improves your quality of life. (source)

To figure out how much sleep, you need, go to bed at the same time every night, with your alarm turn off, and allow your body to wake naturally in the morning.

Once you find yourself awake, get out of bed.

Try this technique consistently to determine how much sleep your body naturally needs. Keep in mind you may need to adjust your bedtime.

12| Find happiness with a gratitude journal

Gratitude journal helps you focus on the positives in your life. Try writing three things you’re grateful for daily. This will naturally bring goodness into your life.

Erin Condren Petite Planner Gratitude Journal Edition 2

13| Read self-improvement books

Non-fiction books can change your life. Any issues you may have or limitations you want to overcome, you can find help within a book.

I have read countless self-help books that have changed my mindset and helped me become more self aware.

You, too, can change your life by reading. With just 20 mins a day. Check out my posts on Best Self-improvement Books and Self-love Books to Build Confidence.

14| Accept your imperfections to be happier

Whether it’s your appearance or professional life, there is no such thing as being perfect.

Everything and everyone has flaws and is a work in progress, so accept your uniqueness and learn to love yourself.

Perfection is one of the greatest obstacles to productivity. So, to be happier, try to accept your imperfection. Don’t worry about everything being perfect.

Related: How To Love Yourself: Cultivate Self-Worth

15| Stop negative self-talk

It’s ok to have negative self-talk, we all do it, but it becomes a problem when we constantly criticize and say negative things about ourselves.

Negative self-talk prevents us from living fully, so whenever you find yourself thinking negatively, stop and identify what experiences or things is triggering that behavior.

Read my post on How to Remove Negativity From Your Life. It provides tips on how to overcome negative things and people that hinder your happiness.

16| Find your passion and purpose to have meaning in life

What is that one thing that you can’t stop talking about? That you feel passionate about. Pursue it and success will follow.

Living in your purpose allows you to live a fuller, more meaningful life. And you will be happier.

Related: Best Life With Purpose Quotes to Give Meaning to Your Life

17| Develop a growth mindset

Do you believe you can change yourself to be, do, and have the life that you deserve?

Having a growth mindset means that you believe in your abilities to accomplish anything with hard work and dedication. Like reading self-help books, or taking courses to improve your skills.

When you have a growth mindset, you will take advantage of new opportunities that can help you live a life on purpose.

18| Plan a vacation if you want to be happier

Want to feel happier, then take a vacation or staycation.

It’s important to allow time for rest and relaxation. Because burnout will be inevitable.

Simply planning your vacation is scientifically proven to make you feel happier. Taking time out from your busy life allows you to destress and realign.

19| Spend the day outdoors and soak up some sun to make yourself happier

women being happy

Being surrounded by nature will boost your mood and encourage positive thinking, especially if the weather is nice. Plan a picnic, hiking, a day at the beach, a nature walk, etc.

20| The importance of regular exercise

Challenge yourself to a workout session or a kick-ass boot camp. The benefits of exercise are to improve thinking, reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep quality, lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. (source)

More ideas to be happier with life and happier alone

If you made it this far, then you must be enjoying this post. Next is a short list of ideas on how to be happier with yourself.

  • Spend more time connecting with God. Or whatever your spiritual practice is. Make it a priority.
  • Are you just not happy with your life? Then create the life you want. Write it done in detail, exactly what you want and how you plan to achieve it.
  • Create a vision board.
  • Recall the times and experiences when you were at your happiest. Figure out how you can create more of that.  
  • Develop a better work life balance.
  • Listen to motivational seminars, videos or podcast.
  • Do more of what you love.
  • Stop people pleasing and learn to say no. Why make yourself unhappy just to please someone else?
  • Find a hobby you will actually like.
  • Find things to be grateful for. Doesn’t matter what it is, always try to find the good in every situation.
  • Have some wild sex. Create a sex jar with some fun ideas to make it more interesting.
  • Watch standup comedy on Netflix. It will give you a good laugh and take your mind off your reality.
  • Speak your mind and stop settling for less than what you deserve.
  • Smile more.
  • Spend more time with people you love.
  • Be more loving and forgiving of yourself.

Final Thoughts On Tips On How To Be Happy

There you have it, simple tips on how to be happier and more positive and how to be happier with yourself. Try a few of these tips to make yourself happier every day.

What activities are you going to try? I would love to hear them.


be happier
How to be Happier in Your Life

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